GMA Games Order Form

Game will be registered to:
First name:

Last name:

Note that the price is $75 USD when ordering any 3 games, $95 USD for any 4 games, and $110 USD for any 5 games.


Shades of Doom - $35 USD:

Shades of Doom Cheats - $5 USD:

Lone Wolf - $30 USD:

GMA Tank Commander - $35 USD:

VIP Mud - $30 USD:

Pacman Talks - $30 USD:

Trek 2000 - $25 USD:

Ship To:


Street Address:




Postal/Zip code:

Phone Number(include area code):

The four digit user code is required to produce the product keys for your computer. The product key allows you to run the full version of the game. Currently you only require a user code for GMA Tank Commander, Lone Wolf and Shades of Doom. You can obtain the user code from the demo by running the Ordering Wizard within the demo of the game. If you do not include the user code for the games which require it, please contact us when you have the code, and we will immediately send you the product key. The user code will be the same for all games which use it.

User Code:


Visa or MasterCard number(no spaces OR dashes):

Expire Date(MM): /(YY)

Card Holders Name:

Ordering notes (optional):